CONSULTING SERVICE for wind power innovations
Mechanical-Design, Tower, Nacelle, Hub, Generator
Electronics Hard- and Software.
I offer advice and help with the technical design and manufacturing of wind turbines based on my experience since 1995. This gives you the opportunity to reduce risk and potentially save costs.
The content of my advice can be the search for suppliers and their qualification, as well as the evaluation and contract design with cooperation partners, for example for joint ventures and technology transfer, and the implementation of projects.
This includes know-how on the following topics:
- The application for onshore and offshore as well as in combination with a floating foundation.
- The technical background with advantages/disadvantages for the manufacturing and use of generators, converters, Turbine-control, SCADA and the pitch system inluding special functions for load reduction
The result of my help should be the optimization of the profitability of your wind-turbine business.
For all questions related to the drafting of contracts and the technical background of various design structures for wind turbines, you can get my optimization help for a reasonable fee.